You have the possibility to design the text. Omg, turns out i'm gay, the internet thing said so, with dramatic music, and pictures, and oh it was just faboulus. We feature breaking buzz and the kinds of things you'd want to pass along to your friends. BuzzFeed has the hottest, most social content on the web. This weeks headlines-* game - realistic type-in simulator * book - first ever sisters of mercy biography * video - jacob rees-mogg rapping.
Flash must be installed and Javascript must be enabled. Uploaded Take this test to see if you have gay traits. Take this test to see if you have gay traits. ((bold)) here the text that should be bold ((ebold)), with the text in between. ((bold))bold((ebold)) ((cur))italic((ecur)) ((unli))underlined((eunli)) ((big))large((ebig)) ((small))tiny((esmall)) ((green))green((egreen)) ((maroon))maroon((emaroon)) ((olive))olive((eolive)) ((navy))marineblau((enavy)) ((purple))purple((epurple)) ((teal))teal((eteal)) ((gray))gray((egray)) ((red))red((ered)) ((blue))blue((eblue)) ((fuchsia))fuchsia((efuchsia)) Please note that you always use both codes, e.